

的 ACC 测试 center is pleased to offer 在线TSI测试(所有部分) 通过Examity.

Examity生活 proctoring service allows students flexible testing times including nights and weekends while students remain safe and practice social distancing taking the TSI from home.

Notice: As of March 1st 2024 students testing TSIA2 online 通过Examity will be responsible 考试监考费. 的 Examity Proctor fee is 25 dollars plus tax.

注意: Students will need a laptop or desktop computer with a webcam and mic.  有限的校园 (main ACC campus) test sessions are available for those that do not have computer 访问.  请透过电邮联络我们 如果你需要在校园安排TSI.  点击下面的注册链接.




的 new version of the TSIA Assessment (TSIA2) will become effective on 2021年1月11日 and will replace the current version of the TSIA. 两个版本的分数 the TSIA will be valid for 5 years from the test date. 目前的TSIA和TSIA2 test results cannot be combined for the same subject area.

ACC检测中心 also provides the following testing services.

TSI评估(德州成功计划) is the only state-approved test to assess reading, writing, and math skills for college 水平放置.  Click here for more information and test preparation resources. To go directly to the TSI registration and payment page, click here.

HESI A2考试 is an admission requirement for several of ACC’s allied health programs. 的HESI A2 Exam consists of seven academic exams and a personality profile that identifies 申请人的学习风格. 点击这里注册参加HESI. 考试费用是74美元.

高中水平考试(HSE)2014年普通教育文凭® test is a four-subject high school equivalency test that measures skills required by high schools and requested by colleges and employers.  这四门学科是科学, social studies, mathematical reasoning, and reasoning through language arts.  为 information, practice testing and registration, visit www.格.com.  的副本 ® 证书,访问TEA(仅限德克萨斯州).  对于州外的人 ®,联系您的考试中心或您的® 国家管理员. 

CLEP 测试: College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams test mastery of college-level material. Students can receive college credit for subjects in which they already have proficiency. 为 information and registration, visit the CLEP网站测试人员 should contact the 测试中心 directly at 281.756.3526号预约. A proctoring fee of $20 必须 be paid prior to testing.

通信测试: 的 测试中心 offers proctoring services for students attending other institutions. 的re is a $35 proctoring fee per exam, which 必须 be paid prior to testing. 测试人员 should contact the 测试中心 directly at 281.756.3526号预约.

全国护理联盟 解剖学 & Physiology exam is available for nursing students who have not taken the class within the mandatory 5 year time period. 这个考试通过远程在线进行 直接使用NLN. 测试人员 should contact the 测试中心 directly at 281.756.3526 for assistance and registration procedures.

教师发起的测试 (out-of-class, online and make-up exams):  应讲师要求, students may use the 测试中心 for course exams. 学生应致电281.756.3526 或电子邮件 用于安排预约.

Students with disabilities requiring additional test time or specialized testing may 在测试中心进行测试. 为 accommodated testing, please call 281.756.3526 to 安排约会. 

Please note that all students (including minors) 必须 出示带照片的身份证件以供测试. 17岁以下的学生必须有 a parent or guardian remain on campus while testing.




  • 行为 administered prior to February 15, 2023: composite score of 23 with a minimum of 19 on the English test shall be exempt for both the 阅读和写作 sections 的TSI评估, 和/或 19 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the mathematics TSI评估部分;
  • 行为 administered on or after February 15, 2023: a combined score of 40 on the English and Reading (E+R) tests shall be exempt for both 阅读和写作 or ELAR sections 的TSI评估. A score of 22 on the mathematics test shall be exempt for the TSI评估的数学部分. 没有综合分数.

  • a minimum of 480 on evidence-based 阅读和写作 (EBRW) for an exemption in 阅读和写作
  • a minimum of 530 on math for an exemption in math


  • A minimum score of 2200 in math for an exemption in math 和/或
  • 2200 in English Language Arts - with a sub score of 3 for an exemption in reading 和写作

STAAR -课程结束(EOC)评估

  • A minimum score of Level 2 (4000) on English III for an exemption in 阅读和写作 和/或
  • A minimum score of Level 2 (4000) on Algebra II for an exemption in math

Degree Exempt – Students who have an associate or baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution or from a college recognized international institution 豁免所有TSI规定.

Transfer Exempt/Passed – Students whose previous Texas public college or university has determined that they have met minimum passing standards in reading, writing, 和/或 math are exempt in the curricular area/s indicated. 分数必须由一名学生核实 官方成绩单.

Private/Out of State Transfer Exempt – Students who transfer from a regionally accredited college or university and have earned at least three semester hours of college level credit in a designated college core class, are exempt upon entry. 这些学分必须 由官方成绩单证明.

经验丰富的 Exempt – Students who were honorably discharged, retired or released from active duty in the armed forces, Texas National Guard or any reserve component of the armed forces on or after August 1, 1990 may be exempt. 显示放电的DD214 状态和日期是必需的.

Military Waiver – Students on active duty in the armed forces, the

Texas National Guard, or any reserve component of the armed forces and have been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment may be exempt.